One of the objectives of the criminal justice system is to protect the innocent and discourage would-be perpetrators from harming them. Whether it does this in reality or not is another matter. But who among us is more innocent or vulnerable than our pets? They rely on us for so much. Most of us consider our pet a member of the family. The question is, how far should the law go to protect them?
This debate has blossomed recently, due to the number of US jurisdictions passing laws creating animal abuse abuser registries. This is much like a sex offender registry. Tennessee passed a statewide law, the first, in 2016. Connecticut, Washington, and Texas may be next. Some other states are considering such a registry as well.
Once everyone is registered for something, maybe then people will realize how stupid this is. So far we have Arsonists, Sex Offenders, Gang members, and now animal abusers.
I still wonder why not murderers but hey, logic isn’t a strong suit for legislatures.
Next drunk drivers and someday jaywalkers!
NO. Because sex offenders should not have to “register.”
Why? Because it doesn’t hold those made to register responsible and it’s NOT a deterrent. It’s actually a stressor and a trigger to encourage “devil may care” behavior.
Neither should have a public registry, but animal abusers should be on a registry for purchases so they cannot buy animals. Just as an SO should probably not work in a school. But they should not be ostracized from housing, employment, and dating, and set up for persecution and harassment which is what a public registry does.
I think it’s important that such animal abuse registries exist so that innocent dogs and cats can go online and see where it’s safe for them to poop on a lawn and where it’s not. How else are we going to keep the pets safe? What will the residency and presence restrictions look like? Will the registrants be allowed to watch Cesar Millan Dog Whisper? Rescue Vet? Animal Planet? Will such viewing be therapeutic or will it merely encourage they’re aberrant proclivities?
(But here’s reality: There is a restriction at my local Humane Society that prohibits convicted sex offenders from volunteering. However, they do not ask about convictions for animal abuse (that’s an obvious “Duh!”), domestic violence, other history of violence or anger management problems. All those folks can volunteer …. but not a registered sex offender (whose conviction most likely had nothing whatsoever to do with animals).
Here’s the specific link, for those not visiting the site on the 8th:
For me, the answer is, “it depends.” If our country is going to continue down the stupid path upon which we’re on, then h3ll yes, the more registries the merrier! But if we somehow right ourselves and go back to fundamental Constitutional principles, then h3ll no.
If a registry is good in one instance (which it’s not), then it’s good in all instances. The logic either holds, or it doesn’t. So let’s add speeding, DUI, shoplifting, adultery, etc. Bring it on, moronic citizenry.
P.S. I sure hope USMS is sending Green Notices about these animal abusers.
To make things “fair” (like our registry is), persons on such registries should be subject to some of the unconstitutional restrictions listed below. Of course I pulled these out of my @$$ just like lawmakers have done for our wonderful registry.
Animal Abuser Registry: can’t own a pet of any kind, can’t live or loiter near a kennel, groomer, or dog/animal park, can’t step foot inside a pet store, feed supply store, or animal shelter. Oh almost forgot…don’t get caught at a Zoo (especially a petting zoo) because you will be arrested.
DUI registry: can’t possess alcohol of any kind, can’t live or loiter near a brewery, winery, or any facility where alcohol is produced, can’t step foot inside any liquor store or grocery store where alcohol is sold. Of course bars, pubs, and restaurants (that serve alcohol) are off limits. Of course anybody with over 5 DUI’s shouldn’t be allowed to own or drive a motorized vehicle (or bicycle) of any kind. For those that don’t know this little fact: you can be charged with DUI in CA by riding a bicycle while intoxicated.
Remember “If it saves one animal”
County and State fair animal pavilions and rodeos too should be off limits for animal abusers….
Motorized farm implements too on the DUI list, but it should not be five convictions, but one to get a on a list…